Tuesday, 31 May 2011

School re-opens

And majority of the school re-opens tomorrow in Kerala. My son also fall in that spectrum. Its kinda nostalgic... I feel that people who say that I want to go back to my school life is and escapism from reality and responsibility. Or is it? The eternal search by man for UTOPIA has never found fruit. So he dwells in the faint hope that eventually it will come. What they fail to understand is that UTOPIA is a state of mind, bliss, elation whatever you want to call it. Heaven and hell is what you make of this life here on earth. Sometime I wonder... why is it only us humans have been bestowed upon the higher level of intelligence. I strongly believe that all animals are intelligent. But us humans are profoundly intelligent to the rest of the animal world. Is there a purpose for us being more intelligent than the rest of them?


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