Wednesday, 11 February 2015


For all the bonds that we forge in this lifetime, nothing we carry forward into our afterlife. For people who believe in life after death, it's a different proposition altogether. There have been recorded cases of professional hypnotherapist tapping into the dark realms of the human psyche and unravelling the mysteries of it. There have been cases in which the therapist have managed to reveal the past life identities up to 11 lives. Keeping this in mind, we need to understand and fathom the reality of past experience or do we move on. The choice is truly ours. The basic instinct (not the Sharon Stone one) of us human beings is to shut out to stuff that messes up our concept of reality. Yes, everyone has a different concept of reality. Each and every fragment of an individual's existence is like a fingerprint, if tapped then that can change the fabric of everything we know or even don't know. The neural network of sub-conscious and unconscious realms are connected in a vast array of minds that form the bond. This is something that we have not understood. When your loved ones fall into peril, one gets that uneasy feeling. That's the network coming into play.

From the time of conception to the time we kick the bucket if we look closely, we are alone. There are things that make us ponder as to what is it that we are looking for? I sure don't know what I am here for. I have dissected my life and gone through the fabric but never understood it. The clues may be staring right at my face but unable to see through the tears of peril. I think once the mind settles down, I will be able to go past the mechanical way of life to the ethereal. The possibilities are unending; but for now, I am veiled under the torrents of tears of the so-called reality. 

Suicide may be the next option but is that really an option? People say that only cowards commit suicide. How do we know that they have not given their best shot? Is it our selfish/jealous side that makes us think that they are cowards? All of us have ammo under our belt. If that ammo runs out, then we pick up from what's left on the war field and fight. That's a ditch attempt for the preservation of the self-knowing very well that there is no return. When the last shot cuts through the defence and races through to your temple, we come to terms with it and accept it wholeheartedly. There are people who have ammo with them but is unaware of using them because the first shot itself was so blinding
that all knowledge goes out of the window. Curse of Karna, the legendary warrior, the warrior so great that the sages sidelined him. He was cursed to forget his knowledge when he required it the most. The tear cloud always bears in when one never should, but as it is, so it is. So, is suicide really a bad thing? Personally, I don't think so. When there is nothing left to fight then what does one fight for? It is the inherent nature of humans to not give up, but when one does, we need to understand the situation that drove the person to it. Maybe a kind word, a pat on the back saying all is well; anything positive to help the person to divert his mind from the point of no return. The ripples that one create will resonate through aeons of time

Next time when you hear about someone committing suicide bear in mind what to look around for subtle clues left behind for all to know that he gave his best. And he was left with no more ammo or even a hint of positivity to continue the journey.

The stop had come, and he had to disembark.

Let your journey be filled with wonders and your performance be there for all to retrospect. Once they do; the ovation will remain for all to hear and see. For once the curtains fall, and the lights fade out, the people who really look can see the stars shine.

Food for thought...

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