Tuesday, 25 March 2014


Now... where do we begin from? Me being a foodie myself (90 kgs I weigh) it becomes a very difficult task for me to commence my post. So, let's begin with the obvious. Do we eat to live or live to eat? Some people do the latter. Now why is it such a crime to say, "I live to eat." The problem is the mindset of the people. It takes a long time for people to accept new things. So in this case too, it will take time.

"Food, is an essential part of our existence." We need it as it fuels us. The word food also features in the motto for existence. Food, as we know it has evolved on great deals. I remember when the teacher in my college told us about the romans and their banquets. It seems it used to go on for days together. It was so extreme that when full, they used to empty their stomach (throw up) so that they may continue with their eating. They used to practice at home to pick up real hot food from the gravy so that they may pick the best pieces when they go for a banquet.

"Annum illengill beejum Illa, beejum illengill nee Illa" which is translated as "if no food then no seed, if no seed then no life." Such  a strong statement. Which is why we pray before we eat.

The need to feed is basic of all needs of man. The need to feed is the need to survive. 

FOOD for thought...

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