Sunday, 30 March 2014

Off and On...

What is it that makes us human? I have wondered, is it the way we are taught or is it the way we are born. Male or female, does it make a difference, to the way we portray our thoughts. Hmmmm. 

There are days when incidents have made me think, How fragile a human being is! Moments ago I read an e-mail from my friend that had a small video clip from which a full grown maggot is taken out from the skull of a lady. DAMN! How did it reach there? Was delivered by a mosquito. Like Amithab Bachan said in a movie... "ek machar aadmi ko hijara bana detha hain!" (One mosquito can make a man into a eunuch. Google Hijra and you will see that killing a mosquito and the dance of a eunuch are the same.) Damn straight, I would say at least in this case. 
I sit in my room looking out through the window with the vehicles plying by incessantly and the clouds have moved over for some sunshine (at last) heavy winds though, is making it chilly today. 

Planning to go home on the 17th of Aug. To the land where all is green KERALA-GODS OWN COUNTRY. It is indeed , you need to see it to believe it. I am going home for ONAM. The only festival that unites all cast and creed under one umbrella, The place where it burns the delicate infringements of caste and creed ONAM is always the sliver lining to the dark clouds. This has made me wonder and ponder quite deeply, Lord MAHAVISHNU foresaw the fact that his own country before it turns out to be his backyard; He created a point in time, On that point (day) all the mind will be free of all evils and will rejoice together for the fact the UNITY and the ONENESS, The supremity will always be there for us. So that we may not decimate ourselves.

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