Saturday, 28 January 2012

Real Steel...

People wish happy new-year and loads of love is floating around. For some I believe its the opposite. Maybe its the turn of the tide but the entire month has been disastrous. It has been a month of trials and tribulations. One after another it never stopped. And to top it all the final nail of the coffin was also hit in.

So... I told my friend. You have two choices, either you lie down and accept it as your fate or you get up and make your own fate. Donot for a second think that life will give up on you. You are up, yes, it will beat you down again and again and again but you always have a choice to stand up. Life as we all know is not a bed of roses; It has, is and always will be a bed of nails and why have not realised it? It is because we are used to the pain! Nobody can hit you like life can. He is a meanie a real meanie. The purpose of life is to beat you down to your knees and make you stay there permanently, only if you let it. Not even Mike Tyson can hit as hard as life can, trust me when I say this. So how in the world can you beat this mean machine that cannot be destroyed, the only purpose is to beat the crap out of you and which is on auto pilot? Simple, You stand up and keep moving forward. Life will hit you harder and my friend its not about how hard you can hit back its about how hard can you take the hits and still keep moving forward. Its only by endurance that one can demolish life at its own game. Eventually it will give up.

Thats what Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi did and won.
Thats what Jesus did and won.
Thats what we need to do to win.



Dedicated to all who did this...

Its a taboo subject that I am touching, but just thought I should. Why do people commit suicide? What makes them commit this act? Lots of questions popped in my head. Here I am putting up my thoughts...

SUICIDE - The act of killing oneself. 

It takes real balls of steel to do it. If you think you are a tough cookie, try taking a knife and passing it over your wrists. Some of you would have tried and I am sure you have felt that cold chill through your spine. Well well well... not as tough as you thought you were. However, this is a paradox. Yes it is! Courage is the opposite side of the coin. Suicide and courage are two sides of the same coin. I did read somewhere that suicide is gods fastrack way of graduating human beings. With the current rate of suicide on a steady rise; it makes us wonder. Whats god upto? Why is he making people commit them? Do you think its the devil? As per Catholics, it is a sin to take out ones own life. They feel that only god is permitted to call us back to his abode. But, what if there is an emergency and god wanted you ASAP and it is he who made you commit suicide? You have a special talent and god is in desperate need of it... Well you have no choice but to go. When the master summons we report for duty.

Food for thought...

Friday, 27 January 2012

Tick Tock Tick...

"More powerful than all the armies of the world, is an idea whose time has come."

Aristotle had speculated that Time maybe motion. However he did also quote that the speed at which an object can travel can vary but not time. I strongly feel that he was not privy to the school of relativity. 

Is time an illusion? 

Does time hold memories?

For all that happens anywhere time has always been a silent witness. Watching nonchalantly for all that unfurls in front of his eyes. Time, as I see is, the turf where all the great battles happen. What does ETHER got to do with it would be the next elementary question. Well ether is just the venue. Like all venues it is also subject to the confines of TIME. Why do we need time? Have you thought about it? No, I am sure you have not. Time is our anchor for experiences and continuity. I am sure there are people in the world who are currently experiencing time lapse. What did I mean by time lapse? Not the usual definition. I meant to people who stay closer to the poles [Polish people, I believe are also addressed the same way] The have elongated periods of day and night as per the season. Too much sun and too much darkness will hamper you. However having sun around is ok, not the darkness. Why so? Naaa... not the vampires. All living beings of this planet are dependent on the sun for their existence. Now are you surprised why the ancient people used to pray to the SUN god.


Tuesday, 24 January 2012

What's in a name?

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet."

There is a movie too based on this heading. 

So I believe it will be easy for you to correlate along with the quote from Shakespeare Romeo & Juliet to the heading. Your name is used by others to correlate and identify you. The name holds a lot, I have observed that for all people holding meek names their character also turns out like that. Powerful names gives powerful personality. There are paradoxes. But by and large it holds true.How does that happen? The name when repeated over and over gives the person self-confidence. He tries to learn more about the name. The origins of it. If the origin is strong then I believe that the child starts to correlate to it and starts to form his character on a sub-conscious / unconscious level. 


Thursday, 12 January 2012


Amongst the most sought after feeling by human beings is bliss. The next obvious question that pops up in your mind is' "WHAT IS BLISS?" Bliss, does it even exist? Some say they do, Other debate on his for aeons together. Let me first define BLISS. It is defined as "EXTREME HAPPINESS" How can one be extremely happy. ROFL, LMFAO are not short forms for bliss. Bliss as I define it is a state of peace / calmness that one would experience when one realise the truth. People like you and me have experienced momentary bliss, when you suddenly realise that your mind is BLANK [not the state that one goes through when you see the question paper] You feel that your mind has abruptly become quiet and calm. How does this happen? If you have observed, [if you have not,start] it happens when you are deeply engrossed in something that you forget the entire sphere of your influence. Its just you and the task. That my friend is the experience of bliss you had.


Monday, 9 January 2012


Why do things have to be so complicated? Is it because they toughen you up? Is it because they give you psyche a good work out? I don't think so. Life get s complicated because we complicate it unnecessarily. Keep things simple. That which has to be hidden, do go behind it. Love and you will be loved back. If someone hates you, love him back. That will put him off track. Smile, it always confuses the enemy. They will have absolutely no clue as to why the hell are you smiling. I am sure you did have lots of moments like this


Sunday, 8 January 2012

Our deepest fear...

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.

We ask ourselves
“Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?”
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.

Your playing small does not serve the world.
There's nothing enlightened about playing small so that other won't feel insecure around you

We are all meant to shine, As children do.
We were born to make manifest
The glory of God that is within us.

It's not just in some of us; It's in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

As we're liberated from our own fear, Our presence automatically liberates others.

Saturday, 7 January 2012

Right of admission... RESERVED

This is a more operational aspect of hoteliers we use to safeguard ourself from unacceptable elements. Hotels are very delicate areas. The entire operation of hotels work on the fact that the egos, whims and fancies of the customers are catered to. However there is a limit to this. We cannot accept anything that is illegal, however we need to ensure that the guest are not insulted and they come back to us. Gone are the days of customer satisfaction, customer loyalty is the in thing. If your customers are loyal then they will refer you to others. No advt will help you more than the ones spread by word-of-mouth. So, in this era of cut throat competition we need them more than they need us. Also keeping in mind that the hoteliers adhere to all the rules and regulations of the land.



Aah... the stuff that people like to do other than Eating, Drinking and making merry. The real question that pops in my mind is "WHY DO WE SLEEP?" Have you ever thought about it? Why do we actually sleep? Is there a necessity for us to sleep? As a matter of fact there is a strong necessity for us to go to sleep. It is during our sleep that our body goes to work. What work? Repairing all the abuses that one has dished out to it. Its the same principle that works for babies too. Babies need a lot of sleep because its during sleep that they grow.

So sleep well and stay fit [exercise is not exempted]


The DARK...

What is it that lurks in the shadow ready to pounce on you? Waiting but patiently knowing that eventually you will slip. What lurks deep down, that unsettling eerie feeling you never managed to figure out. The recurring thought of something always a step behind you. You know what it is, but just fail to accept it. The human mind has this innate ability to move into better places. So, even if you know its out there, you whistle and try to calm your primitive mind. Its just a figment of your imagination...

Or is it?


The darkest hour...

Went for the above captioned movie yesterday. Emile Hirsch, the guy who acted in "INTO THE WILD", now that's a movie with a strong story line, good script and good direction. Here the director looses focus in the end. The usual cliche of riding into the sunset. The alien is different. It has the same story base of "COWBOYS & ALIENS". I saw this in Satyam cinemas yesterday night. On a scale of 10 I would confer upon it 6.

Thursday, 5 January 2012


We did lift the world cup. What a glorious moment for INDIA. Please remember, our national sport is... HOCKEY. CHESS was invented here so was POLO, did you know that? Cricket was designed for bored ladies of ENGLAND. Now... rest of the world is best in it other than them. All countries are bad in their national sport.

I am actually getting fed up of Sachin Tendulkar. Is he the only person in INDIAN cricket? He plays for INDIA. We should be rooting for INDIA not Sachin Tendulkar. Like all of us, he is also an employee. The people who are self employed, always remember the company is your boss. Will there or are there streets named after Sachin ? Man...

Time and again INDIAN cricket team has proved again that we are bad performers outside our turf. I meant literally, we cannot perform outside our country. Shame on you. As usual we are getting hammered in Australia and slipping down the ranks. If we need to come back up the ladder there is an excellent solution... Get all the country to come and play here. That would make us back to ranking levels.

Bloody goose...


When RAJNIKANTH came along with his family to celebrate his birthday!!!
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Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Frank Sinatra...

Listening to Sinatras "Strangers in the dark" The bugger has good voice. I have always wondered, what does it mean when they say "You shook Sinatras hand". Who cares anyway. He was shot by goons since he was enacting them and that pissed many mafia [GANSTA was not born then] people off the charts. So they got him killed.

Why did the nut go about doing it?

Simple, too much money and time in hand and did not know what to do with it. He could have gone the gods way, but the dude up there had different plans altogether? Naaaa.... you make your destiny. There is always choice. God will never force you into anything. You have been bestowed with full rights to write your story. You have the right to pick and choose what you need to write.