Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Frank Sinatra...

Listening to Sinatras "Strangers in the dark" The bugger has good voice. I have always wondered, what does it mean when they say "You shook Sinatras hand". Who cares anyway. He was shot by goons since he was enacting them and that pissed many mafia [GANSTA was not born then] people off the charts. So they got him killed.

Why did the nut go about doing it?

Simple, too much money and time in hand and did not know what to do with it. He could have gone the gods way, but the dude up there had different plans altogether? Naaaa.... you make your destiny. There is always choice. God will never force you into anything. You have been bestowed with full rights to write your story. You have the right to pick and choose what you need to write.

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